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14 November 2023
46% of honey imported into the single market from…
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02 October 2023
The FNSAD: Fédération Nationale des Organisations Sanitaires Apicoles Départementales (National Federation of Departmental Beekeeping Health…
03 September 2023
The town of Capbreton has revived the tradition of the Associations Forum for the start of the 2023 academic year.
24 July 2023
With the launch of the BeesForLife platform, the department aims to support the beekeeping sector in the Dordogne, the first victim of the Asian…
29 June 2023
In the absence of pollinators, it is estimated that a third of flowering plant species would not produce seeds, and half of them would suffer an 80%…
01 May 2023
The Dordogne Chamber of Agriculture supports individual and collective beekeeping projects through APIDOR, which
Promotes the beekeeping industry…
11 March 2023
UNO and Apimondia World Bee Day - 20 May 2023 World Bee Day 20 May 2023
08 March 2023
The highly ergonomic and educational module makes it easy to recognise insects and is designed to provide the best possible assistance to the…
05 March 2023
Practise recognising non-target insects. Easy-to-use recognition charts have been designed by M. Foucaud Berthelot, which we are distributing with his…
02 March 2023
Scientists and beekeeping professionals are presenting the results of their work to propose a framework of practices for spring trapping of Asian…
22 February 2023
BeesForLife lance début mars un module de suivi de piégeage à destination des collectivités : Apiculteurs professionnels
et Associations…
22 January 2023
Selon la publication du FNGTA publiée dans la revue l'Abeille de France de janvier 2023 La Cour européenne de justice confirme la position des…