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Options for the biological and physical control of Vespa velutina nigrithorax in Europe: a review of the State of Knowledge 2018

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Many thanks for the author's kind contribution and her permission to publish April 2020. Juliette Poidatz's thesis has shed light on our work on :

Diagnosing the presence of Asian hornet nests as early as possible in the season

Juliette Poidtaz's thesis shows that the vast majority of Asian hornet flights last from 15 minutes to 27 minutes and that the most likely hypothesis for their most frequent flight radius is around 500 metres or even 800 metres from their nest. Among other things, this guides our work on perfecting flight techniques for the solution that Bees For Life is developing to find nests as early in the season as possible.

Current state of knowledge

Éric DARROUZET is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Tours. He has been studying social insects, in particular the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax), for around ten years.

One of the aims of his research is to develop effective and selective control tools.

Bees For Life shares its projects with Eric Darrouzet.

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Buy the book "Le frelon asiatique, un redoutable prédateur d'Eric Darrouzet" (in French)

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